Be the best
version of you.

Learn a profound meditation technique
to unwind stress and experience your
baseline state of bliss.

Enjoy inner fulfillment and adaptability through your practice with Vedic Meditation.

Learn a practice which brings you back to your natural state of bliss beyond the everyday thinking mind. Allow the body to receive deep rest which paves the way for clarity and joy.

Learn to Meditate
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Discover how Vedic Meditation can enhance your life.

Heal from past stress

Vedic Meditation is designed to purify stress from the physiology, allowing you to release the patterns which no longer serve you, naturally.

Access mental clarity

One of the great benefits of deep rest and stress purification is access to more mental potential and clarity of mind.

Increase Joy

It's time to feel happy for no reason. Happiness that comes from being vs trying to always achieve. Joy because you are alive and that is a gift.

Enhaced relationships

As we feel better our ability to communicate effectively, listen to others, and share in life together is enhanced.

Learn to Meditate

How to get started?

Attend an intro talk

Join Emily for a free talk to learn more about Vedic Meditation and ask questions.

Learn to Meditate

Attend the four day course for 90 minutes each day.

Effortless daily practice

Enjoy the benefits of your Vedic Meditation practice which fits naturally into daily life.

Enjoy a lifetime of support

Included in your Vedic Meditation course is a lifetime of support with your practice.

So glad to have you here,
I'm Emily

If you are unsure if this practice is right for you - perhaps you have tried meditation but want to take your practice deeper or you are brand new and have doubts that you'll be able to meditate at all - you're in the right place.

With a little curiosity and the ability to follow a few simple steps, I can teach you an effective technique with revolutionary benefits. I've taught all types of people from all walks of life and that's what I love about Vedic Meditation, the practice meets you right where you are.

Over four 90 minute sessions you'll learn the practice of Vedic meditation and you'll walk away as a self-sufficient meditator with access to a lifetime of support with your practice.

Reach out with any questions and don't be a stranger, I look forward to welcoming you.


Years teaching Vedic Meditation globally


Students personally taught and growing


Countries where Emily has traveled to teach Vedic Meditation

Meet Emily

Emily has been personally trained and mentored by Thom Knoles, who is recognized as the leading Master of Vedic Meditation worldwide.

Words from the incredible Students

“Learning Vedic meditation with Emily has been a gift that keeps on giving. She's such a warm, welcoming, kind, and compassionate teacher."

Toronto, Canada

“I can say with a full heart that learning with Emily was one of the best decisions I have ever made. To find stability in a practice such as Vedic Meditation is simply a gift. To find a teacher like Emily, is a treasure."

Miami, USA

"When Emily sits with you and walks you through the process, it becomes clear that teaching meditation truly lights her up. What a generous teacher! This is an experience I get to reap the rewards of everyday."

Toronto, Canada

"Emily has such a warm and sparkling personality. She has a calming presence and is a wonderful teacher. I would recommend Emily to everyone who would like to enjoy the benefits of meditation."

Southport, CT, USA